Resource Home Page
You just found out that your cat is going blind. Or that your dog has been diagnosed with a rare and complex neurological disorder. Perhaps you just adopted a dog with paralyzed back legs.
While your vet has provided good initial information on the condition, you know you need to educate yourself further so that you can provide the best care for your beloved pet.
But online information is scarce, and you aren’t sure what sources are reliable. Besides a lack of solid information, you feel pretty damn alone and would really like to talk to other people who have been where you are.
That’s how Danica felt as she navigated her life and responsibilities with Sonar. That’s why the heart of The Sonar Project is its resources, both expert and personal.
Resource Hub:
The Sonar Project’s Resource Hub will be designed to provide expert, easy-to-access information on a wide variety of topics crucial to special needs animal care. Resources will be available in January 2020 and include:
Expert articles on dog and cat diseases and injuries/traumas
Training Tools & Tips
Answers to Basic How Tos like:
How do I acclimate my blind dog to his new home?
How do I give my cat an injection?
Can a deaf dog go to dog day care?
Where do I find a cart for my dog who can’t use his back legs?
Can my cat live a happy life after an amputation?
Supporting Our Families
Support Groups:
People caring for special needs animals can feel frustrated, overwhelmed and alone at times. The Sonar Project is building an online support community to connect special needs families with one another. Here they will be able to share tips, advice and stories of adventure, triumph, joy and heartbreak. Here they will have each other’s backs – and hearts.
The Medical Fund:
The Medical Fund will provide financial assistance for initial medical costs associated with a first special needs diagnosis or for owners who are financially unprepared for an emergent need. The Sonar Project will defray immediate costs and then work with each owner to develop a longer term plan so that they can budget for predictable medical costs specific to their pet’s issues.
People will be able to apply for this fund in January of 2020.
If you would like to donate to support any of these resources, click the donate button below